If you are like me and live in a place that has pressed dirt for walls (a.k.a. dry wall), the idea of hanging art, [COLOR=#95afd0! important][COLOR=#95afd0! important]window [COLOR=#95afd0! important]shades[/color][/color][/color] or especially a book shelf, is not only an engineering feat in itself, but also a serious anxiety inducer. These types of walls seem to crumble at the very idea of being punctured by a screw, nail or dirty look. In a perfect world, all walls would be made from super durable, screw loving materials. They would also be sound proof and bullet proof…you never know. Well, if you are one of the lucky few with Dura-walls, you can still get your anxiety fix from this clever [COLOR=#95afd0! important][COLOR=#95afd0! important]bookshelf[/color][/color] design by Denis Oh - no he didn’t! Like a circus balancing act, this bookshelf called “Maintain The Balance of Your Knowledge!” shifts and swings from side to side depending on the placement of your books. If your books on politics tend to lean to the left, so does your [COLOR=#95afd0! important][COLOR=#95afd0! important]shelf[/color][/color], if it is more to the right, then the shelf will go with the flow and lean towards war in Iraq. Weighted with hanging [COLOR=#95afd0! important][COLOR=#95afd0! important]counter[/color][/color]-balancers, you can even the playing field out at any time with a simple adjustment… or compassion.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
目前分類:鏡堂のArt (5)
- Apr 01 Tue 2008 17:17
- Sep 04 Tue 2007 10:59
- Dec 20 Wed 2006 15:11
2006台北雙年展:(限制級)瑜珈 / Dirty Yoga